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P. 37

Integrating Ideas: Literary Movements
Humans evaluate the world around them every day, consciously and subconsciously. However, we first must determine the criteria by which to evaluate. Consider how you might determine your favorite ice cream flavor—likely it is as simple as preferring certain types of flavors, such as sweet or fruit flavors. Yet, if asked to identify your favorite place to eat ice cream, the eval- uation criteria suddenly expand beyond your favorite flavor. Now, you may consider how the products are made (by hand or machine), the add-in options (cookies, nuts, syrups, and so on), the friendliness of those serving the ice cream, or the cleanliness of the establishment.
Collaborate In addition to valuing the individual and intuition over society’s rules and logic, Romantic literature held art, spirituality, and nature at its center. In a small group, evaluate modern texts against the ideals of Romanticism.
• As a group, identify the primary ideals of Romanticism based on the texts you’ve read in this unit. This list will serve as the criteria your group will use to evaluate a modern text.
• Each group member should find an example of a modern literary story, poem, or song he or she believes upholds the ideals of Romanticism.
• Come to a consensus about which piece the group believes to be the best example.
• Use a chart like the one below to evaluate how well the chosen text upholds the Romantic ideas the group identified.
   Adaptation/Text/Song: ________
   Individualism—rebellion against conformity and the freedom to think for one’s self
 (Here, explain how the film adaptation, text, or song embodies this criterion and how well it stays true to the movement’s ideals.)
             Responding to Unit One 117

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